Building Strong Families

Children’s Ministry

Nursery (Newborn-Age 2)

Our purpose is to provide a caring and loving place for all babies and toddlers who visit our church. It may be the very first experience most of them will have, outside of their family relationship, with the love of God. It is the start of a lifelong journey of learning about Jesus.

Sundays AM & PM | Wednesdays 7:00 PM

Preschool (Ages 3-5)

Our goal is to create an atmosphere for our young children to learn and grow in their personal relationship with God. We will help to nurture a loving, safe, and structured environment that will allow our children to become strong in their personal relationship with God.

Sundays AM | Wednesdays 7:00 PM

The Rock Kids (Ages 6-11)

This ministry is here to nurture the spiritual lives of our children who are beginning their own Christian journey. We will teach our students the reality of who God is, and how He is important to their everyday lives. We plan to help disciple them into their own personal relationship with Jesus, while building friendships and creating a love for the House of God.

Sundays AM | Wednesdays 7:00 PM

Youth & Young Adults Ministry

The Rock Youth (Ages 12-12th Grade)

Our youth ministry is to provide a safe, warm and welcoming community where youth get a sense of belonging, are nurtured in their faith and encouraged to live a life of discipleship. It is our goal to help every youth see their value in the eyes of God. We then give them what they need to help them live according to what God has called them to be.

Wednesdays 7:00 PM

Young Adults (Ages 18-28)

The goal of this ministry is to provide a successful transition from youth to adulthood. We aim to build young adults in their faith and encouraged to live a life of discipleship. We serve as role models in every aspect of life, who are intentional about building relationships and helping facilitate various activities and opportunities that will help our young adults succeed.

Second Wednesday of each month 7:00 PM

Small Groups

Men’s Ministry

We believe that inside of every man is a turkey or an eagle. It is our desire to bring out the eagle in each one of our men, helping them become the men of God that they have been called to be. Through various activities throughout the year that promote both spiritual and natural growth, we help strengthen each other and minister to those around us.

Women’s Ministry

It is our desire that our women grow to be strong in the Lord. It is our goal to do everything that we can to be a helping hand to our own church family. We also aim to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community by reaching out to minister to those around us. Through putting God’s love into action, we can watch the simple power of the gospel message restore broken lives.

Outreach Ministry

To love Jesus, we must love people. People are the heart of the Outreach Ministry.

It is our desire to share the love of Jesus Christ in any way possible to everyone we meet. We aim to recognize the value of every person and help them realize that God has a plan for every one of them.

In Mark 16:15, Jesus told us to “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”

We take this commandment to heart by reaching out into our local community, as well as into the world through supporting and participating in the following missions and programs:

  • Dr. Mark T. Barclay’s ministry is a worldwide gospel ministry with a prophetic voice in end times alerting God’s people with God’s Word of righteousness through every available means in every available place.

  • Every year, we take our youth and young adults to Midland, MI to get completely immersed in the presence of God at Invasion’s annual conference led by Josh M. Barclay.

  • An annual outreach conference for men hosted and led by Pastor Tim Cross from Living Word Muskegon.

  • A relationship with our local Bellaire Chamber of Commerce to stay involved with community needs and events.

  • A network of local pastors to work together in faith to accomplish what God wants done in Bellaire, MI.

  • A local food pantry that we contribute to and support.

  • Good Samaritan Family Services is a nonprofit Christian organization living out the mission of "Serving the Lord by reaching out to those in need." Whether it is helping a family have food to eat, having the power turned back on for a senior citizen, providing diapers and clothing to a young mom, being there for the results of a pregnancy test, or encouraging a young guy in learning how to be a dad

  • We support and sow into the vision of FSCO Ministries which is to help individuals, churches and nations reach their destiny in Christ.

  • The Dunn’s were called to the mission field in 1993 and began the ministry of Chariots of Fire. Equipped with knowledge, anointing, and the blessing of God, the CFM ministers continue their mission, conducting evangelistic crusades & conferences, speaking to other churches, and by doing mission trips nationwide.

  • We support and aid The Scudder Family Ministry doing missions Uganda, Africa.

  • We support the evangelistic ministry of Tim Grisham. Tim conducts soul winning training camps throughout the year in churches across America and other nations.

  • Forgotten Soldiers Outreach is a nationally recognized organization whom we support. They send out monthly “We Care” packages to our United States deployed military, who have been registered by family members, friends, commanding officers or themselves.